This quote about what matters:
comes from the moving novel by Kristin Hannah: The Nightingale
A friend (Tressa) and I agreed this novel gave us "book hangover". It's one of those books that you'll want to think about for a while. And it might be hard to start another book or novel too soon after finishing this one.
What I'm Reading
Recent Additions:
A Murder of Magpies
by Judith Flanders. Haven't started this one yet. (Possibly because of the aforementioned "book hangover".)
How to Speak Brit: The Quintessential Guide to the King's English, Cockney Slang, and Other Flummoxing British Phrases
by Christopher J. Moore. I recently finished another book like this (see below). Sometimes I get on an ordering spree from my library and before I know it my stack is filled with similar books.
Recently Finished
I've already mentioned The Nightingalebut I also recently finished:
That's Not English: Britishisms, Americanisms, and What Our English Says About Us
by Erin Moore. Not surprisingly, the similarities and differences between the UK and the US are a source of fascination for me. This book is readable and fun. Parts are almost like a memoir (the American author is married to an Englishman and living in England to raise their children) and the entries range from bizarre to mundane. If you're an American Anglophile, you would probably enjoy this one.
Recent Kindle Additions
The Heroes' Welcome
by Louisa Young. I got this one from my library's ebook program. It looked like something I'd like: the setting, the time, etc. However, I didn't realize it was a sequel and I've read the first bit without it really grabbing me, so I'm not sure. (Plus I can already tell it's going to be graphic in more than one way.) I think the cover is fantastic but that's about the only opinion I have on this book right now.
Current Read Aloud
We've finally made a little progress on Betsy-Tacy and Tib. The chapters are a little longer than in the first book so we get interrupted more often.
Current Book to Review
The last book I requested from one organization still hasn't come in. They said it could take 2-3 weeks and it's been 3, so I suppose I better email them about that.
I'll be linking up with:
I love it when I see themes in the quotes that are linked; you and Jen both posted about remembering. This week when we especially remember our Savior's work is a good week to contemplate that.