This weekend is our church's birthday. (116 years young!) Which means a lot of getting ready for special services tomorrow. Then we have co-op on Monday morning and then we're off for a quick getaway with my in-laws. And we're entering birthday season: two of our daughters have birthdays in the next two weeks, and in October we have all kinds of family birthdays.
So, busy, is what I'm saying. (But I think I say that every week.)
On to the links!
- Here's to Agatha Christie, Queen of the Whodunit by Jamie Gass. Celebrating 125 years for Dame Agatha Christie while lamenting Common Core and mediocre literature in general. (You might say these are two things I love to do.)
- The Centenary of "The Silmarillion": Celebrating Two Tolkiens by Bradley Birzer at The Imaginative Conservative. The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams
by Philip Zaleski considers Christopher Tolkien one of the Inklings. This post seems to hold a similar view. (My husband loves "The Silmarillion
" more than I do but it's been growing on me over the years.)
- Just Toss It from Tressays. Are you, fellow homeschool mom, saving every lapbook, math time sheet, and history project your child(ren) ever completed? It may be time to let go.
- Did you see the link-up for The Hardest Part of my Homeschool Year at Simple Homeschool? You can find my recent post there too.
- When Forgiveness Isn't Enough: 5 Reasons to Choose Reconciliation Over Resentment by Andrea Jongbloed at Relevant. I needed this one this week. (I still find it amazing how God sends what I need to read across my path when I need to read it.)
- 10 Toxic Christians in the Church Today by Frank Powell. Convicting stuff, although I think there are probably more toxic types than just these ten.
- On Syrian Refugees, Evangelical Bloggers Display Hypocrisy by Nicole Russell for The Federalist. I hate that title because I think it's misleading. These bloggers are not, to my thinking, evangelical. I'm not sure what they are, but they certainly don't speak for me.
- David Oyelowo: Christians Can't Abandon Hollywood. My first experience with this talented actor was the Brit spy show Spooks
and then on an episode of Masterpiece Classic calledSmall Island
. Selma
is what he's known for now, and rightly so because it is well done. Anyway, all that to say: I didn't realize he was a Christian, but hooray for a good testimony in Hollywood!
- I already shared this on the Living Unabridged Facebook page, but here it is again: The BBC is Creating a Netflix Style Streaming Service. My productivity plummeted just thinking about how much I would love this.
- I'm a Classic Star Trek girl (no "reboots" for me, thank you very much) and this post does a great job of explaining why: How Star Trek Explains the Decline of Liberalism by Timothy Sandefur.
- My husband sent me this one: Star Wars Ring Theory: The Hidden Artistry of the Star Wars Prequels by Mike Klimo. It's long but interesting, even if you're not a huge Star Wars fan (but why wouldn't you be?). But then, I also enjoy talking about literary structure (C.S. Lewis, J.K Rowling, et al.).
From Living Unabridged this week:
And one year ago:
- Five Things Friday: Co-op, Haircuts and the Union Jack. (So fun to look back and see a younger iBoy!)
- 9 Tips for Traveling With Kids. Timely advice for myself since we have a mini-getaway early next week.
So, what caught your eye this week?
The list of ten toxic Christians is totally accurate as a pastor's wife.