
Weekend Web Wandering - January 31, 2015

weekend web wandering lgCan you believe tomorrow is February 1st? Where did January go? (You can find a review of what happened here at Living Unabridged in this post: Life via Blog: January.)
I found so many great posts and articles this week so let's get on with the links:




  • The Cadbury Debate: What Will Become of our British Sweets? This Hershey's stranglehold on American candy (and chocolate specifically) has got to stop. Seems to me that Hershey's is worried because they're producing an inferior product. And seriously, how big of a challenge could British chocolate be, anyway? (I am obviously not unbiased in this story either. I loved the chocolate we ate when we were in Britain and I've enjoyed finding some of the items here occasionally.)
  • All My Issues with the "Goodnight Moon" Bedroom from The Ugly Volvo. Language warning but this one really did make me laugh out loud (as opposed to just LOL-ing).
  • Don't Look Now But You are Being Followed by Dan Balow. OK, I don't "love" this. It makes sense, but it also gives me the creeps. (And for all of those readers who thought ereaders were their chance to read books they normally wouldn't, because no one else would see the cover, well, so much for that plan. Nothing is secret.)
  • Why the Prosperity Gospel is the Worst Pyramid Scheme Ever by Nicholas McDonald at TGC.

That's it for this week. (Actually, I had a few more saved, but I think that's more than enough for one week.)
What caught your eye?

Don't forget your chance to attend a live webinar about homeschooling with a Middle School and High School focus. (If you're wondering what a webinar is or what this one will include, you can find out here: Attend a Homeschool Conference from the Comfort of Your Home.) There will also be mp3s available with purchase, whether you can attend the webinar or not: