
Weekend Web Wandering - February 14, 2015

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Happy Valentine's Day! I've got a few posts of my own to share with you today:

  • Love, Marriage and Parenting Reading List. This is a list of my most highly recommended nonfiction books about marriage, parenting, and relationships. I hope you'll find a title or two to inspire 2015 to be the best year for your relationships. (And if you  have a favorite I missed, I hope you'll let me know in the comments. I'm always looking for good books to read and recommend to others.)
  • I wrote a guest post for my friend Dawn called No More Mediocre Marriage: 21+ Ways to Revel in Your Marriage.  This post begins:

    The word revel comes from the Latin word “rebellare.” If you’re thinking that looks like our word “rebel,” you’re on the right track. But for now, two relevant meanings of “revel” are 1.) to enjoy oneself in a lively and/or noisy way and 2.) to get great pleasure from How many marriages seem to stand as examples of the opposite of those definitions? The spouses aren’t enjoying themselves and neither is getting “great pleasure” from their relationship. They’re simply existing and enduring. That is not what marriage is designed to be. But how can we stop enduring and start enjoying (reveling) in our marriages?

    To read the rest, I hope you'll click over to Dawn's blog.

21+ ways to revel in your marriage
Now for the usual linkage!



Also on the blog this week I shared my tips as an Introvert Mom Surrounded By Children. If you have thoughts on that challenge, I'd love to hear them.

What caught your eye this week?

weekend web wandering


  1. Tressa says:

    Oh, really good links this week! (You are so kind to link me.) I found the value of a Benjamin very interesting. We are trying to take that into consideration as try to find somewhere to settle permanently. We really do see our dollar stretch farther (or is it further) in our state, so we know it is a real thing. Also, Martin Luther Playmobil? Awesome! I want one. I hope they include his wife, Katherine, because she was an amazing woman and needs to be memorialized in plastic for sure! The Queen's handbag cracked me up. I suppose hers doesn't get filled with receipts like mine does.

    Have a great week!

  2. Tressa says:

    Oops! I Also meant to comment on the Facebook password article. I wish we had written down my mom's passwords. We set up a Facebook account for her, and now I am reminded by Facebook that I should write on her wall. We can't turn it off. It makes me a little sad. Yes, someone you trust should have your passwords. I don't think Facebook needs to have a whole thing, but it is something we should think about. And not just for Facebook.

    1. Karen says:

      I only link to the best! :)

      I know people handle grief in different ways and online adds another wrinkle to it. For me, I do not like seeing "friends" who are no longer with us or having them promoted or whatever. For other people, it's comforting. Either way, it's definitely something that people need to discuss these days. (And probably needs to be spelled out in our wills or end of life directives. "Here are my social media passwords, please shut down accounts 30 days after an announcement of my death" or some such in my case.)

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