Today's quote is about what it means to be the salt of the earth:
quote taken from The Cost of Discipleship
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This is a deep book, which I am reading slowly. There are so many good passages I've copied into my commonplace book, but this is the one that resonated with me recently.
You can find the phrase "salt of the earth" in a lot of fiction. I don't think anyone is really using it correctly, though.
"Salt of the earth" isn't necessarily someone who's good or trustworthy or nice.
This salt is made by the Savior. And we who profess to be Christians ARE salt, whether we like it or not. (To paraphrase Mr. Bonhoeffer.)
What I'm Reading Now:
Recent Additions:
My husband added this one (which he just finished):
Child 44
by Tom Rob Smith. Whether I'll get to it or not, I don't know.
(And for those of you keeping count, this makes two novels my husband has finished and then added to my stack in the past week or so. I'm starting to wonder if we've reversed roles.)
Recently Finished
Last night I finished (and yes, I stayed up too late doing so!):
All the Light We Cannot See: A Novel
by Anthony Doerr. Short take: I loved it. Lyrical, moving, and written in very short chapters so it's easy to read a bit at a time. (Does contain some graphic language, used by soldiers, and intense scenes since it's set in WW2.)
You can find an up to date list of the books I've finished on this page: Books of 2015.
Recent Kindle Additions:
I picked this one up when it was free, but I haven't read it yet:
The Friendships of Women: The Beauty and Power of God's Plan for Us
by Dee Brestin.
I read this one on my Kindle via the Overdrive App (something that works with our library):
Pulling Back the Shades: Erotica, Intimacy, and the Longings of a Woman's Heart
by Dr. Juli Slattery and Dannah Gresh. I heard them on the Family Life today program on Monday and knew I wanted to read this.
I hesitate to call it a book: I finished it in one afternoon, so I think it's more of a booklet or long form article, but it was excellent and I recommend it. Even if you would never in a million years read the "grey" books, many women you know probably have or have considered it. Even if you've simply wondered why this is such a big deal, this might help.
Current Read Aloud
The 7 year old and I have started this one:
Sarah, Plain and Tall
by Patricia MacLachlan. This one was my choice but I think she's enjoying it. The older girls have already read it.
Current Book to Review
Look for my review of Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Lara Casey on Friday.
What are you reading now?
Linking up with:
There is something in this quote about being what we are called that I find both disturbing (I don't measure up) and comforting (God equips who he calls). Thanks!
Agreed. Thanks for hosting!
I like that quote. I like to remember that we are the salt of the earth. We are not called to be it. We already are. You don't have to add anything to it. You are already doing it in your vocation whether it be wife, mom, daughter, sister, or what have you. I think we have to be careful not to turn this into a works thing, and I don't think Bonhoeffer would want us to do that either.
As for books! I read "All the Light.." So good! My favorite book of 2014. I am currently reading "The Martian". I like it, but I find myself flipping ahead in a kind of "ok, let's get on with it" kind of way. I am also reading "on Immunity". It is ok. I definitely wouldn't call it a treatise on vaccinations. It is more like a conversation I would have with a friend on vaccinations.
I LOVE the picture you have on top of your books! :)
I agree - it's not about works. I think the quote inspired me because I know I have the tendency to want to say, "But I don't want to be salt. I don't want to take a stand for things I know are right." But that's not a choice a true disciple gets to make. We ARE salt. The whole chapter this was taken from is so good. (And compared to the sacrifice Bonhoeffer made, getting a few negative comments or something is nothing in comparison.)
"The Martian" is another one my husband added to my stack. I saw you were reading it and I was wondering what you thought about it. I really need to finish some more nonfiction before I indulge in another novel though. ;)
We are Salt...beautifully said.