We just returned from a week of church camp. I thought I would skip my links round-up this week, but as I looked through my files I discovered that I had saved more links than I thought. So, on with the linkage!
- Why Helicopter Parenting is the New Victorianism by Anna Mussman for The Federalist. This is not a benign development.
- More Parents Finally Get that College is a Scam by Joy Pullmann. My husband and I are clear on the scam part, but we're less clear on how we should steer our rapidly approaching college age children. (By rapidly, I mean our oldest is starting high school this fall.)
- The Race to Nowhere in Youth Sports by John O'Sullivan. Silly me, I kind of thought sports should be about the kids. (Side note: our children have not participated in team sports, due to both cost and lack of interest. They do pursue martial arts and gym activities with our homeschool co-op.)
- Ask Auntie Leila: Setting Up Housekeeping, Building a Home. I love this advice to a new homemaker.
- Somewhat related: The Millennial's Guide to Living Well Cheaply by Cody & Georgi Boorman at The Federalist. (My husband and I recommend books byDave Ramsey
if you're trying to figure out how to manage your money, whether as a young couple or not.)
- Mom, Don't Pass On Your Fears to Your Child by Lisa Jacobson at The Better Mom. This can be difficult, of course, but it's so important.
- What Americans Lose When We Refuse Cr*p Jobs by Peter Cook at The Federalist. We used to say you had to "pay your dues" in a job before you made more money or received promotions. Today people want the money and the promotion without the work.
- Jewish Man Saved From Nazis is Helping Rescue Christians from ISIS. Inspiring story.
- American Girls and the Nine Year Olds Making History by Morgan Lee at her•meneutics. I still love these dolls and what they meant to my childhood (and my daughters' childhoods) but it was definitely never the same after Mattel took over.
- I'm loving this show: The Crimson Field (2014): Downton Abbey Meets M*A*S*H by Trystan Bass at Frock Flicks.
- Things like this fascinate me: Why are We So Reliant on Air Conditioning? by Lloyd Alter. Bring back design that makes sense for the location!
- An Embarrassing Week for Christians Sharing Fake News by Ed Stetzer. Other than the advice about "Snopes being your friend" (Snopes is not a neutral source), I totally agree. If you haven't verified the story: don't share it.
- Solzhenitsyn Mourned Bastille Day. So Should All Christians. by John Zmirak. Do you think the French Revolution was good, bad, or indifferent? Do you know your history?
Now, it's back to the salt mines chores for me. A family of 8 + a week away from home = Mt. Laundry. (Not to mention my grouchy, sleep deprived children and an empty pantry / fridge!)
What caught your eye this week?