Posts from Living Unabridged this month:
- Relaxed and Classical: A Lifestyle of Learning
- Home By Choice: 37 Silly and Serious Reasons We Homeschool
- Finishing the Homeschool Year With Strength (Even When You're Tired)
- INTJ Mom / ESFP Daughter: Teaching Each Other
Of these, my favorite was probably "Finishing the School Year with Strength". The post that got the most attention was "Home by Choice".
Words on Wednesday Posts
Books reviewed this month:
Favorite book finished this month:
How Dante Can Save Your Life: The Life-Changing Wisdom of History's Greatest Poem
by Rod Dreher. I highly recommend this one to any reader, even if you've never read Dante and have no plans to ever read Dante. (I haven't either, and I don't know if I'll ever get around to it.)
What's Been Happening:
Lots of birthdays (the iBoy, my brother, me, my sister), but no new baby news as yet. I think he heard the midwife say we wouldn't make it until June (his due date is June 1) and he decided to prove her wrong. (Our kids can be stubborn like that.)
Mother's Day. A very low-key Memorial Day.
A trip to the downtown library for Comic Con. (Where we saw several interesting characters but we did not take a single picture.)
Lots of visits to the midwife, most of which lasted about ten minutes, tops.
Our homeschool co-op had its year end picnic at the beginning of the month. Some of our family absolutely loved it. I can't say it was my favorite part about co-op. Something about standing in a line for 30 minutes to eat lunch makes me grouchy.
Our church finished up our school year ministry. The kids received awards for their memory work and celebrated with cake, ice cream, and other fun events (like two bounce houses).
Now our church is gearing up for VBS, although I doubt how much I'll be involved this year, especially since this baby seems to be taking his time getting here.
What We've Been Watching:
I forgot to tell you last month about an excellent documentary Philip and I watched:
Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies
. This series was, as most Ken Burns projects tend to be, really well done and moving.
In May we watched:
The Railway Man
You could put this one in the same genre as Unbroken
, but of the two I liked this one better. (Considering it's about a British man, played by Colin Firth, that's probably not a big surprise.)
Philip watched Interstellar
and I worked in the same room, but I wouldn't say I watched it. Christopher Nolan is not really my cup of tea as a story-teller and nothing I heard or saw in this movie changed my mind.
We both loved Selma
. The acting in this one is just incredible.
We introduced our oldest 3 daughters (8-13) to this classic:
. They loved it and I'm glad we waited until now to show it to them because I think they appreciated it a lot more than they would have a year or two ago. (Most of it probably went over the 8 year old's head, but she was laughing at the right things and following the story fairly well.)
The girls and I also watched some musicals on Memorial Day, since we didn't make other plans. Philip and our oldest daughter didn't watch these with us because they were deep into a game of Axis And Allies
For a family movie night we watched:
. Here's a funny thing for a book loving family: none of us was really familiar with the Paddington books. It's just not something Philip and I grew up with and it's not something our girls have read. But the movie was a definite hit and we all recommend it.
Other than these movies we also watched some episodes of Masterchef: Australia (we gave this one up when we didn't really love any of the contestants), Chopped, Property Brothers, and Fixer Upper.
Due to pregnancy related insomnia (ugh), I've also seen more late night and early morning television in the past weeks than I had in the past two years.
Let me assure you: there really is nothing on. Although I do like catching the BBC news every now and again. (Some of our PBS stations carry it at night.)
It's been a fun month, but it's also been a restless one. These last weeks of waiting for the new family member are definitely the longest.
What did you do, watch, or read in May?
I am Going to check out the Cancer documentary for sure. In May, I did a lot of listening. I have discovered podcasts and I love to listen while I cross stitch. You would think that I would be able to listen to books on tape, but I can't stand it. I can read much, much faster than I listen so it makes me crazy.
I watched Interstellar. It was just OK. We watched Whiplash. It had a lot of bad language, but it was pretty good. I mean A LOT of bad language. Oh, and St. Vincent. I can't decide how I feel about that one. It was moving in a sad kind of way.
I wasn't sure whether to see Whiplash or not (once the library gets it) and I hadn't heard of St. Vincent. Both look like things my husband would like to see.
The cancer documentary is SO good, but it made me emotional and I actually had to stop watching one episode for a little bit because it was just getting to me. I was able to watch the whole thing, but only in pieces. I don't think I could have managed a marathon viewing.