
Weekend Web Wandering - April 9, 2016

It's cold but beautiful here today. The kids are playing Legos. I don't have a to-do list a mile long (that will happen next week when my girls have "Crunch Week" for their co-op school play).

Life is good.

weekly links round-up


  • Read This, Not That: One Children's Book Is Not As Good As Another by Leila at Like Mother, Like Daughter. I am so relieved to find that there are other people with reservations about the Penderwicks books. We did the first one as a read aloud and I definitely didn't love it, despite the fact that it's a story about four sisters - which ought to be right in our wheelhouse. My girls have read the other books (and in one case purchased one of them at the thrift store) but I haven't. I'm not saying they are the worst thing ever, but there's something about them that bothers me. I thought it was just me and I'm glad to know it isn't. Do you have an opinion on The Penderwicks?
  • The Harvard Library That Protects the World's Rarest Colors by Diana Bunn. Fascinating article! If you have a budding artist you might want to share at least part of this. Bonus: it's history, science, and art all in one story.
  • Detection, Mid-Century Style: The Rise of the Cozy Mystery Genre by Jeannette de Beauvoir at Criminal Element. It's not secret that this is my favorite "comfort reading" so I love when the genre is explored (and anything giving a shout-out to Chesterton automatically grabs my attention).


  • Catch 22 in Marriage by Sheila Wray Gregoire. I love Sheila's perspective here. Victim thinking never leads to victory. (This post isn't just applicable to marriage, either, so I encourage you to read it even if you're currently single.)
  • Why Some People Commit Suicide Without Warning by A.D.P. Efferson in The Federalist. I know this is a heavy topic, but this is a post worth reading and it's a discussion we need to be having.
  • The Great Parental Freak Out by Kevin DeYoung at TGC. Practical, encouraging advice.
  • Why P*rn Kills S*x by Russell Moore. (asterisks to deter spammers) Another heavy topic, but Moore hits this one out of the park, if I can use a sports analogy. I completely agree that we need to call this sin what it really is: idolatry and occultism.
  • Why Hospitality Beats Entertaining by Jen Wilkin at TGC. This is packed with great thoughts like this one: "Our motives are revealed not just in how we set our tables, but in who we invite to join us at the feast. Entertaining invites those whom it will enjoy. Hospitality takes all comers." Thought provoking stuff here!


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