I've saved many links this week, but first I need to say this: Pray for Paris. Pray for our broken world. Pray that Christians will be light in dark places. Love on your babies and your spouses a little harder today because tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Then pray some more.
- Attention, Please! by Cindy Rollins for CiRCE Institute. I love when Cindy blogs. Great reminders here.
- I'm really enjoying all the Thanksgiving book lists I'm seeing. (you can see mine here: 13 Favorite Thanksgiving Books) Here's another list of Thanksgiving Books from Hope is the Word.
- A Simple Lesson You Can Teach Your Kids About People by Christy Fitzwater at The Better Mom.
- Is Spectrum the Best Way to Talk About Autism? by Rose Eveleth in The Atlantic. Long, but interesting.
- Beyond the Grind: 5 Ways to Revitalize Your Classical Homeschool by Ravi Scott Jain at Afterthoughts. My husband recently finished The Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy
and added it to my bookstack and now I am even more eager to read it.
- 4 Things to Know About Teens, the Media, and God by Sheila Wray Gregoire at To Love, Honor and Vacuum. We're in the earliest teen years (or oldest is almost 14), so I'm thankful for practical advice and reminders like this post.
- This is timely: The Lost Art of Saying Thank You by Amy at Sunlit Pages. (This is where I 'fess up and tell you that my daughter just wrote her thank-you notes for her September birthday. Yes, September as in, two months ago. But it's never too late to do the right thing, right?)
- When You are a Failure at Making Friends by Lea Ann Garfias. God has given me some new relationships this year and I am incredibly thankful for these women, even if our relationships are in the early stages. As an INTJ I kind of don't realize how much I need friends until, well, I do. Anyway, this post is practical advice for those of us thinking, "I don't know how to do that." (Another Semi-Related post this week: It Is Important to be Real from Tressays.)
- Related to the above posts: How to Find a Circle of Mentors by Elisa Pulliam at The Better Mom.
- Ten Diagnostic Questions for Your Marriage by Kevin DeYoung.
- The Most Important Questions Millennials Aren't Asking by Robert Dickie at Relevant. I think #2 and #4 are especially neglected these days.
- About the ridiculous Starbucks Cup Controversy of '15: Nobody is Actually Upset About the Starbucks Cup. Stop Saying Otherwise by Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist.
- About the Mizzou & Yale situations: The College Kids are Not All Right by Paul Bonicelli; Mob of Yale Students discussed by Lenore Skenazy at Free Range Kids; and a helpful Fascist / Not Fascist Chart from Jonah Goldberg.
- Put Your Christmas Stuff Away, You Fiends! by Heather Wilhelm. YES. (Seriously. I love Christmas. I love the music. I love the anticipation. I love the spirit. BUT IT'S NOT TIME YET.)
- I have friends on either side of the essential oil issue but I thought this was interesting: Essential Oils Can't Save Your Soul (Or Your Body) by Luma Simms. (But she's not saying they don't ever work, so read on, even if you're angry about that title.)
- 10 Serious Problems With Jesus Calling by Tim Challies. This is an important corrective.
- My husband sent me this one, which we'll file under "fascinating": Pop Culture Keeps Resurrecting This Deathly Gregorian Chant.
- I'd say this is accurate (language warning): The Life of an Introvert Described by 17 Different Graphs.
- Long, but interesting if you're into the Olympics, swimming, or Michael Phelps {cough}: After Rehabilitation, The Best of Michael Phelps May Lie Ahead by Tim Layden for Sports Illustrated.
- Time Wasting Wormhole alert: My 90's TV. (They have My 70's TV and My 80's TV too...)
- Made me laugh: Signs You May Be Dying in a Victorian Novel by Mallory Ortberg. Some of the comments are gold, too. I would add to this list: you coughed - even once!, you're a character in an Elizabeth Gaskell story (my mantra when reading Gaskell is "don't get attached"), you took a walk in the rain (or got your feet wet), and your siblings all call you "angelic". YOU ARE A GONER.
On Living Unabridged this week:
- Dear Mom of Many
- A Review of One More Step
One year ago:
- Simple Tips to Prepare Your Family for Cold and Flu Season
- Books About the First World War for Kids and Teens
What caught your eye this week?
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Karen, thanks for the mention! I'm glad that you are a new friend. :) -- Lea Ann