- Teaching Our Children the Way of Reason by Brandy at Afterthoughts.
- Generational Good Girls & the Lifetime Math Problem by Katrina Ryder.
- Hope for When You're Raising a Strong Willed Child by Elisa Pulliam at The Better Mom.
- Are You Clear as Mud? by Joanne Kraft.
- Why I Often Ignore our Children by Vanessa Rasanen. How invasive "Helicopter Parenting" has become is illustrated by the fact that even saying something like this is controversial in some circles.
{Deep Thoughts}
- 5 Common Small Group Myths by Steven Lee for TGC.
- Alex and Brett Harris are Doing Hard Things by Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra for TGC. I enjoyed this chance to "catch up" with the authors ofDo Hard Things
. (Side note: if you have a teenager, they need to read this book. Today.)
- Tiresome Apologies for Blogging from Bearing Blog. (H/T: Brandy) Educated women have historically been women of letters. The digital age is no exception.
- My Journey Through In Vitro Fertilization by Jenny Vaughn. Difficult to read, but so worth it. (Side note: the author and I would not agree on many points of theology, but we do agree about some important life issues - when it begins, how valuable it is, etc.)
- Lena Dunham and Jill Duggar: Bearing it All for Us by S.D. Kelly for CAPC. At first glance these two women would appear to have nothing in common, but the digital age has changed that. How much is too much? And what does that do to people? To culture?
- How the American Diet was Ruined by Jay Lehr. Just how ruined? Well, I read another blog post this morning on a completely unrelated topic, but the author was worrying about how much butter her (preadolescent) daughter was eating. Butter is not the enemy, folks.
- The Calvinist on the Bestseller List by Rachel Marie Stone for CT. I haven't read anything by this author, but I'm definitely intrigued now.
{Just for Fun}
- 15 Southern American Sayings That Will Amuse Brits from Mind the Gap. I grew up in Tennessee but some of these still amuse me too.
- Vivien Leigh's Life Story by Andrea Child for Marie Claire. Vivien Leigh would be 101 this year. I still think she is even more fascinating than the characters she played.
- Dear Kitten: Regarding the Dog. OK, I know they're commercials, but I do find these "Dear Kitten" videos funny. After all, the internet was invented for cat videos, right? (I kid, of course.)
- 23 Faces Every Parent Will Recognize from Buzzfeed. (Language & content warning for many things on this site.)
And, it's hard to believe, but the incredible miniseries North and South(think Great Britain and Richard Armitage, not Civil War and Patrick Swayze) is turning 10 next week. So you're probably going to want to observe that somehow. You could start by reading the book:North and South
(it's only $2.51 for Kindle: North and South
And then you could plan to watch the series. Warning: watch it on a night when you don't have to get up early the next morning. Because you will plan to watch it in pieces, spread over several nights (it is a miniseries, after all), but then you will think, "Just one more" a couple of times and it will be 2:00 AM before you know it, the series will be over, and you will have mascara on your cheeks and pure happiness in your heart.
I maybe love it a lot, is what I'm saying. (If you do watch it next week, you can join other North and South fans in this celebration: #NS10)
So, what did you read online this week?
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