
5 Days of Raising Readers: Be a Reader Yourself

We've talked about the Why of Raising a Reader. Now we're going to focus on How.
5 days raising readers read yourself
And here's the good (and bad) news:

The best way to raise a reader is to be one yourself.

Children are great mimics and their parents are their favorite models to follow.

So, if you (and hopefully, your spouse) enjoy reading, then chances are good that your children will also grow to love reading.

It isn't the only way to raise readers, but it's a helpful first step.

What if you're not as strong a reader as you would like?

This can be the year you change that.

Here are some tips to help you read more this year:

1. Set a goal.

Make your goal measurable and specific. 12 non-fiction and 12 fiction books might be a good goal if you didn't read many books last year. This would work out to one non-fiction and one fiction book per month.

Maybe your goal should be "5 more books than last year", depending on how many you finished.

Or maybe you'd like to read a classic novel that you've never read before. Set a deadline for yourself and go for it.

Join a reading challenge.

Here are three possibilities: The 2015 Reading Challenge from Modern Mrs. Darcy. This challenge consists of 12 types of books (you choose specific titles).

The second reading challenge I'm aware of is the Back to the Classics Challenge 2015 from Books and Chocolate. (H/T to my friend MacKenzie who is participating.)

Another possibility which is less of a challenge and more of a book group: Reading to Know Classics Book Club. This is another list of 12 books or types of books.

Diversify what types of books you read.

Don't get stuck in a reading rut that kills your desire to read.

Alternate fiction and non-fiction, or mysteries and business titles.

Keep a reading stack or a book bag.

Sometimes you just won't feel like reading a certain book.

Make sure to have at least one or two other books on hand to turn to when that happens.

Load your device  of choice.

I keep my Kindle Fire stocked with free and almost free selections, even if I didn't want to read them yet. I never know when one of those might grab my attention.

You can also get apps so you can read on your phone. Redeem the time and read instead of playing yet another level of candy crush (or whatever game is popular these days).

Share what you're reading.

Write a blog post. Share a Facebook update. Tweet a favorite passage. Join a book group.

Books are great for alone time, but they aren't just a solitary pursuit. The discussion of what you've read is one of the biggest rewards for reading.

Keep track.

Join Goodreads (look me up if you do!).

Keep a commonplace book.

Write a list of what you've read on notebook paper.

Keep a list on your phone.

Whatever way suits you, do that. You'll be encouraged as you see your list grow.

Here are some posts that might encourage you as you become a Reader in 2015:

If you're wondering what to read, you can always check back here to see my suggestions each month, what I've been reading, or my latest book reviews. Encourage your kids: be a reader yourself!

To see the previous or later post(s) in this series: 5 Days of Raising Readers

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