It has turned cold and rainy here. The weather is supposed to warm up next week but meanwhile, our planned outdoor activities are being cancelled right and left. My kids are fervently hoping that tonight's corn maze activity happens. I am too, if only because I'd love to get them out of the house for awhile. Is the transition to Fall always this rough? I'm drawing a blank on that point.
- When Nothing is Working in Your Homeschool by Sheila Petruccelli for Simple Homeschool.
- 6 Ways to Make Your Home a Place of Possibility by Laura Lee Groves at The MOB Society.
- Ask Auntie Leila: Getting the House Ready and Warm for Winter at Like Mother, Like Daughter. (Doesn't say how to solve the problem of a cold-natured husband who wants the central heat cranked, alas.)
- 3 Ways You Might Be Teaching Your Kids the Prosperity Gospel by Chap Bettis for TGC. The three things are parenting problems I've noticed in our culture, but I hadn't tied to them to the prosperity gospel before reading this. Good thoughts.
- Social Media Facade by Jamie at See Jamie Blog. Online life is not necessarily a lie, and the pull to be 100% "authentic" (whatever that means) is not necessarily great either. Thought provoking (even though I'm not on Instagram and missed whatever drama Jamie is referring to).
- Why You Should Keep Thanking Veterans for Their Service by Peter Burfeind at The Federalist. A response to "Don't Thank Me for My Military Service."
- Bill Nye, The Not So Great Science Guy by Emily Zanotti at The Federalist. I really wish "Bill Nye the Existential Philosophy Guy" would catch on.
- 'Ashokan Farewell': The Story Behind the Tune That Made Ken Burns Famous by Megan Garber for The Atlantic. I loved this twisty origin story.
- Costuming Pride and Prejudice (1995) by Kendra at Frock Flicks. Worth a look, if only to pause and remember that our beloved Pride & Prejudice
adaptation is 20 this year. TWENTY.
On Living Unabridged:
One year ago:
- 31 Authors Children Love: Aesop
- 31 Authors Children Love: Judi Barrett
- 31 Authors Children Love: Sandra Boynton
- 52 Little Lessons from Les Miserables
What caught your eye this week?
Oh, how I've grown to detest Bill Nye.