This is a quote I saved from Philip Zaleski's The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams:
C. S. Lewis is, of course, imminently quotable. I try to only share quotes that I have read myself. I suspect Lewis is falsely quoted more often than even Abraham Lincoln or Winston Churchill. (Two more fabulously quotable men.)
Anyway, all that aside, I was thinking about this the other day. We grow as humans, we change, we mature, and yet some part of us is the person we have always been. That, to me, is amazing.
"Whatever we have been, in some sort we are still."
Recently Finished
Funeral Music (Sara Selkirk Mysteries)
by Morag Joss. I have no idea what category this author was aiming for. It's too gruesome to be cozy, and too prosaic to be a gritty procedural. I'm on a quest to find a new-to-me mystery series that captures my attention, but my quest isn't over yet. The main trouble with this book: not a single character is particularly likeable. They all do things but those actions are simply in service to the story (such as it is). And another of my pet peeves: the author has no grasp of POV (point of view). She drops into characters heads at will and tell us what people are thinking or feeling, without showing or illustrating why and how. When she didn't want to reveal something, she just jumps to another scene.
So, the mystery series quest continues.
Recently Added
A Small Death in the Great Glen: A Novel (The Highland Gazette Mystery Series)
Another attempt at a new mystery series but this one isn't going so great either. (Although I do love that it's set in Scotland.)
The Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy (Turning Point Christian Worldview Series)
My husband highly recommends this one and he slipped it into my stack. Lately he has finished more books than I have and my stack is growing as he shares them with me. (Even though my finish rate is dismal right now.)
Current Read Aloud
Several late nights means we're still working on finishing Ella of All-of-a-Kind Family
Current Book to Review
Nothing has caught my eye from my review sources.
Current Kindle Deals
Not as many jumped out at me this week (although I think some of last week's deals are still good) but I did see that
Don't Give Up, Don't Give In: Lessons from an Extraordinary Life
by Louis Zamperini is only $1.99 right now. If you loved Unbroken
, you might want to order this one too.
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