Today's quote is on vulnerability:
This is terrible, but I don't actually remember where I read this quote. What got me thinking about it (and looking back through my commonplace book for it) was a seminar at the Great Homeschool Convention last week.
I attended several sessions about Classical education. Dr. Christopher Perrin, in a seminar about studying Latin, talked about the superpower of Latin. Do you know Latin's superpower? It's x-ray vision.
The word vulnerability comes from the Latin root "vulnero" which means "to wound".
Which means that being an adult is being willing to be wounded, when we realize that some things are worth being wounded for.
Think about it: loving our spouse. Loving our children. Pursuing difficult relationships. Sharing the gospel with a culture that is apathetic or even hostile.
Worth it. Potentially wounding. Vulnerable.
I don't like being vulnerable. (It's one of the lessons pregnancy teaches me.)
But to be vulnerable is to grow, and I definitely want to grow.
OK, end of sermon. Why study Latin? Because it connects ideas, gives insight, and inspires. Those are three very good reasons why we'll go on with our "amo, amas, amat-ing".
Now, on with the book stack. (My apologies for the picture quality.)
What I'm Reading:
Recently Added
Novel Interiors: Living in Enchanted Rooms Inspired by Literature
I had the opportunity to review this one but I passed it up, but when my library got a copy I decided I really did want to look through it.
Love the Home You Have
by Melissa Michaels. Haven't cracked this one open yet, but it looks inspiring.
Who Buries the Dead: A Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery
by C.S. Harris. I've started this one. There are things I don't love about the series (it has on occasion been more graphic than I would like and more critical of Christianity or Christians than is strictly necessary), but then there are things that keep bringing me back for the next book. (Namely: Hero.) So far this one has had a gruesome murder and - spoiler alert - Sebastian has interviewed Miss Jane Austen. Yes, that Jane Austen.
And thus, worlds collide.
Recently Finished
Pioneer Girl: The Annotated Autobiography
by Laura Ingalls Wilder and edited by Pamela Smith Hill. This is a must for any "Little House" fan. This is the original autobiography Wilder wrote before she turned her family's story into fictionalized books for children. The annotations are helpful and interesting.
My only complaint: this book is huge and unwieldy. It is not a great size for curling up with. But that just means there's more good stuff to read and think about, I guess.
Remember, you can always find a complete list of the books I've finished this year on this page:
Recent Kindle Additions
What Do You See? A Child's First Introduction to Art, Volume 1
by Laurie Bluedorn. Free for Kindle right now, so if you're interested go order yours.
Current Read Aloud
Betsy-Tacy and Tib
by Maud Hart Lovelace. This one has inspired some great conversations with my two middle girls. (Should the girls have done that? What should they have done instead?)
Current Book to Review
Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are
by Shauna Niequist. This one is a little different from my usual review books. It's a devotional with a one page (or so) devotion for every day of the year. So, it's not exactly something you'd read straight through. But it is lovely (seriously: the book has a nice weight and finish. I love it when books are beautiful.) and I'm enjoying browsing through it. Full review to come at a later date.
Linking up with:
Also linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy's Quick Lit.
I love Madeleine L'Engle, I love this quote, and I love how you tied it to Dr. Perrin's talk. Talk about xray vision and the science of relations. Wondermous.
Oh, yes, and I sta4ed that CS Harris title but didn't get very far. I need to check it out again.
It was a decent entry in the series but I found the Jane Austen stuff distracting.
I am so sad that I am not reading anything right now. I can't seem to find anything that interests me. I have started a few, but quickly put them down. I am heading to the library today so maybe I will find something. Novel Interiors looks interesting.i may have to look for that.
YES on the design of Pioneer Girl. I borrowed it from a friend and had to return it mostly unread because I couldn't hold the book to read while nursing . . . and if I read it after my baby was in bed, I'd just fall asleep. I'm looking forward to returning to it in about a year.
I am reading the Oz books to my kids. We just started the fourth. They are loving them, and I'm enjoying the childhood memories that are coming back to me.