It's kind of funny: I'm always reading at least two books. (And I say at least because sometimes it is more but it is rarely less.) Usually it breaks down into something frivolous and something more serious. A lot of times the quotes I choose for my Words on Wednesday posts come from the more serious thing I'm reading.
Well, not this week. This week's quote came from a magazine article. Even stranger than that is the fact that it's not a magazine I usually read and someone at church passed it on to me so I could read a different article. But of course I ended up reading the whole thing, as one does.
An article by Holley Gerth was my favorite thing in the magazine and this quote really grabbed me:
I don't know about you, but my December often feels like a lot of busy. It feels full in good ways, but also in not so good ways.
Jesus came (we could pause on those two words right there, couldn't we? JESUS - Eternal son of God, CAME - to Earth as a Redeemer for us) and the truth of those two words ought to change everything. I don't want to forget that as we bustle around trying to see everyone, do everything we ought to do, and be everywhere we're supposed to be.
Life to the full sounds pretty good to me.
Just goes to show you that inspiration can be found anywhere.
Recently Finished
I had to bail on Letters to the Lost: A Novel
because there were just too many problems for me to overlook. And the author drifted into romance novel territory too frequently for my taste, too.
A Curious Beginning: A Veronica Speedwell Mystery
is Deanna Raybourn's new series. I might describe it as Amelia Peabody meets Charlotte Pitt, if I can drag two other beloved mystery series into this. At any rate, there's more than a little Amelia Peabody in Veronica Speedwell.
Raybourn excels at witty dialog and somehow managing to make ridiculous scenes and plots feel plausible. This one is lighter than her Julia Grey series and I will definitely read the next installment.
Recently Added
Nothing new this week. Just working on clearing the stack a bit. Philip is trying to help me by stealing books from my stack. (OK, it isn't to help me, but I don't mind sharing books as long as he gives them back before they're due.)
Current Read Aloud
We finished The Trolley Car Familylast night. Now we have an ongoing discussion on what to read next. There are very few good read alouds we own that my oldest two daughters haven't read already, so the debate is whether we should re-read one that they know or choose something that's new to all of us.
We shall see...
Current Book to Review
I didn't accept any books to review in December.
Current Kindle Deals
A Twaddle-Free Education: An Introduction to Charlotte Mason's Timeless Educational Ideas
is free right now. I haven't read it, but it would definitely be worth a look at that price.
Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All
I appreciate Karen Ehman's writing and I probably need to order this one for myself. At $1.99 I'm running out of excuses. *cough*
Boundaries in Marriage
I love the Boundaries series. This particular book is $2.99 right now.
I'll have to check out that raybourne book as I like her writing but think lighter sounds good for her too. Sadly, my library doesn't seem to appreciate her but I figure if I just do Ill requests often enough, they'll get the memo. Maybe.