What a week! Our oldest girls were in their very first "school" play with our homeschool co-op. They had a blast but we are all exhausted now. We have people coming over today for a "game night" (although we're starting at 4PM, and I'm pretty sure that doesn't qualify as night). And Monday is our very last official co-op day of the 2015-2016 school year.
Anyway, that was a long way of saying it's a busy time, so let's get on with the links!

- This seems like a fun way to read through The Little House series: Cook Your Way Through Little House (with free printable) by Jamie Martin at Simple Homeschool.
- 20 Parenting Books Later and This is What I Remember by Amy at Sunlit Pages.
- Malcolm Gladwell Got it Wrong by Tristin Hopper. I'm not sure Gladwell got it "wrong", he just didn't get it completely right (if I may split some hairs).
- Why Nicholas Sparks is Bad for Romance by Gracy Olmstead for The Federalist. I've been saying this for years. {Wink}
- Want Mind-Blowing S**? Get Married (And Save Civilization) by Joy Pullmann at The Federalist. Are we noticing a theme at The Federalist this week?
- Discernment or Judginess? from The Common Room. "While it’s true that we do need to guard against a critical spirit and not let discernment stray over into snap judgments, we don’t need to guard against critical thinking." Yes!
- A Hippie Discovers Economics, And You'll Never Guess What Happens Next! by Robert Tracinski. One writer at The Federalist turned his attention away from the bedroom long enough to write this witty explanation of capitalism.
- I shared this on the Living Unabridged FB page but just in case you missed it: Beverly Cleary on Turning 100: Kids Today ' Don't Have the Freedom' I Had.
From Living Unabridged:
This Week -
Last year -
- The Heart-Work of Pregnancy (so fun, and somewhat sobering, to look back on what I was thinking and feeling before our littlest guy made his official appearance!)
- On Vulnerability. This was a "Words on Wednesday" post but I also shared some things that I learned at the GHC2015.
What caught your eye this week?
Follow Karen (Living Unabridged)'s board Parenting on Pinterest.
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I missed that original pregnancy post on your blog. Feels like a long time ago and not all at the same time. ;)