We call our homeschool method "Relaxed Classical". You can see some of our curriculum plans for this year here. This year we have children from Newborn through High School. (Yes, things can get a little crazy around here!)
Here's a quick "not back to school" introduction to our kids and some of their favorite (and least favorite) things in our homeschool:
Age: will be 14 in December
- Grade Level: 9th grade (High School Freshman)
- Favorite Subject: History
- Least Favorite: Math
- Mad skills in: reading, knitting
- Looking forward to: learning Greek
- Strengths: independent learning, self motivated, great memory, multitasking
- Weaknesses: procrastination, perfectionism, bossiness
- Favorite book:Les Miserables
,but she also said that the Harry Potter books
(which she read for the first time this summer) are favorites too.
- You can find her: volunteering at the library, playtesting games with her dad, reading, knitting or crocheting while listening to an audio book, at the orthodontist
- Age: will be 11 in September
- Grade level: mostly 6th grade
- Favorite subject: Science
- Least favorite: Math
- Mad skills in: writing poems and stories
- Looking forward to: trying out for the co-op school play
- Strengths: good memory, imaginative, creative, great with babies and toddlers
- Weaknesses: easily distracted, bad with transitions, avoids chores
- Favorite book:The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place
- You can find her: writing a poem or story, hiding from her siblings in a quiet place, setting up elaborate play worlds, sleeping in
- Age: 8
- Grade level: mostly 3rd grade
- Favorite subject: Science
- Least favorite: Math
- Mad skills in: drawing / artistic things
- Looking forward to: taking Ballet for the first time (a "life long dream")
- Strengths: artistic, peacemaking, generally cheerful, eager to learn, usually practical
- Weaknesses: forgetful, untidy, distractible, doesn't play well alone
- Favorite book:All-of-a-Kind Family
- You can find her: drawing, painting, coloring, sculpting, playing with a sister, jumping on the trampoline, visiting a friend, riding her bike
- Age: will be 5 in September
- Grade level: Kindergarten for the purposes of our co-op, still preschool for home
- Favorite subject: anything where she gets to use the computer
- Least favorite: naptime
- Mad skills in: computer / devices with screens (but she says she's best at "learning my ABCs")
- Looking forward to: doing more art at co-op
- Strengths: great memory, curious about everything, naturally musical, entertaining herself
- Weaknesses: prone to whining, strong-willed, rather addicted to devices (the computer, the Wii, her Leap Pad...)
- Favorite book: anything about those Frozen folks.
- You can find her: playing in her room, on the computer or another device with a screen, jumping on the trampoline
- Age: 2
- Grade level: toddler
- Favorite subject: Science (well, he likes taking things apart, anyway, so Engineering, maybe?)
- Least favorite: naptime
- Mad skills in: taking things apart
- Looking forward to: when his brother is big enough to play with him
- Strengths: making friends easily, making people laugh, taking things apart, curious
- Weaknesses: stubborn, wanders off on his own, inclined to be rough with his closest age sister and younger brother
- Favorite book:Are Lemons Blue?
is his hands-down favorite. He's already memorized this one so he can practically "read" it to us now.
- You can find him: taking things out of cabinets and drawers, climbing something, exploring the yard, following his daddy (or grandad) around
This one slept through our "school picture" photo session.
- Age: 2 months old on August 2nd
- Grade level: newborn
- Favorite subject: mealtime
- Least favorite: alone time
- Mad skills in: making people love him
- Looking forward to: EVERYTHING.
- Strengths: adorability, sweetness, snuggling
- Weaknesses: fussiness, demands fairly constant attention
- Favorite book: he sits in on most read-alouds but we haven't noticed a favorite yet
- You can find him: in mom's arms, in the moby wrap, in dad's arms, in a sister's arms, being held by someone else, sleeping in his car-seat and every once in a while, just to change things up, sleeping in his own bed
And yes, we have a Class pet:
- Age: unknown
- Grade level: high level cat skills
- Favorite subject: when the kids have "P.E." outside
- Least favorite: when the iBoy tackles her
- Mad skills in: balancing on narrow things
- Looking forward to: the next time the family eats outside
- Strengths: can fend for herself when necessary, gentle with kids, hiding
- Weaknesses: doesn't always come when called but is occasionally very needy for attention if you happen to go outside
- Favorite book: we've never seen her read anything, but you can sometimes find her curled up with a girl who happens to be reading outside
- You can find her: don't. She'll find you.
I've never had a kid in high school before, much less while raising a newborn and four other children. If any of my fellow homeschoolers have tips for me, I'd love to hear them!
Favorite homeschooling resources:
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Not a lot of math fans yet, I see. ;) Here either. Dale just read all of the Harry Potter books for the first time this summer, too! He'll be 12 next month. I can't believe you have a high schooler. Eek!! I haven't blogged in ages but I may have to steal your format and jump in. I loved the back to school blog hop once upon a time and having this snapshot in time of my kiddos would be so good.
Oh, amd I teared up at baby's "Looking Forward To". So sweet!
I love the mostly's by the grades - that's one of the terrific things about homeschooling, not being bound by your age. And your back to school photos are gorgeous!
[…] thought it would be fun to do something similar to what Karen at Living Unabridged did, and share a bit about each of my homeschool students (she graciously said I could use her […]