We packed March with activity. I apologize for not getting this review up on the last Saturday of the month, the way my schedule told me to, but, well, the schedule has had to bend a bit lately. Because we also filled March with a constant rotation of family sickness and I am still not over it.
Well, I'm OVER IT, in a big way, but I'm not 100% well yet (if that makes sense.)
What We've Been Doing:
We had a get together with friends in Kentucky. I had my 1st co-op board meeting. Philip went on our church's men's retreat. The kids and I went with my mom to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. We had a quick family trip down south so Philip could preach. There were field trips to the museum center AND the zoo. We kept up with our usual co-op and library obligations.
And we celebrated Easter. Which is definitely not least of the things that happened in March.
Now we're on "Spring Break" from our co-op, but not from our schoolwork and we're getting ready and excited for the Great Homeschool Convention this weekend. I hope to see some of you there!
What We've Been Watching:
Philip and I binged all of Inspector George Gently.
Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46654962
We've started series 1 of The Great Australian Bake Off. (The link is to the website for Series 2.) It's a lot of fun and will, I hope, tide me over until I have a new season of The Great British Bake Off to watch.
We really didn't have a lot of time for watching a lot of movies this month.
Although when Philip was away and the girls and I watched all the episodes of North and South in one sitting.
Because it is awesome and no one wanted to stop.
Five Things I'm Loving this Month:
1. Winning things online.
I won two different homeschool related drawings on two different blogs this month. I'd say "I never win" but that it obviously not true now.
2. Craigslist.
Both buying and selling. We bought a Keurig and sold a stove this month. (Double win because the stove was just taking up space in our garage.)
3. Our Keurig.
I am not one of those people who drinks multiple cups of coffee in the morning. And my husband and I have very different preferred styles. (He has used a Moka Pot for years.) So making just one cup at a time in the morning, just the way I like it, has been blissful for me.
4. Online Math.
We're trying CTC Math for some of the kids. It's working amazingly well for our 9 year old. (Watch for a more thorough review later this year.)
5. Puppy time.
My sister's family has a new puppy and she is ADORABLE. She's a Boston Terrier so she's small enough even the iBoy can hold her.
Links I Loved this last Week:
- Charley Harper Collection Launches at The Land of Nod. Charley Harper is our favorite Cincinnati artist. (He was from West Virginia originally but he studied here and spent his life here.)
- How Well Do You Know Emma? from the BBC. (I missed two, but this was a hard quiz and I guessed more than once...)
- How Classical Education Can Make America Great Again by Abigail Clevenger for The Federalist. I do believe children need this kind of education and if homeschooling isn't the right fit for your family, the options for getting this type of education are increasing.
- Help! My Kid is Developing Brain Cavities! by Betsy at Redeemed Reader.
- 10 Strategies Far Better Than Shirley MacLaine's for a Good Marriage by Holly Scheer at The Federalist. Practical advice but I guess it's no longer "common" sense, alas.
On the Blog:

This Month:
- Dutch Blitz
- Duck Duck Bruce
- The Little Prince
- Carcassonne
- Learning About Music: Zeezok Music Curriculum
- Cincinnati Field Trips (did you see above where I said we did at least two of these in just one week?)
Last Year:
And, if you don't mind praying for something that might sound silly: would you pray that my ispiration for writing and blogging would come back?
I know it's a combination of busy-ness, illness, and stress, but lately everything to do with blogging has just felt like a slog through a swamp. I'll sit down at my usual writing time and...nothing. And I think about what I need to be doing, OUGHT to be doing and I just...can't or don't.
I need this to go away ASAP. So, if you don't mind praying about that, please do!
What did you do, watch, or love in March?
Be sure to let me know if you'll be at the GHC in Cincinnati this weekend! (And if you have any tips for a writing / blogging drought, or stress busters for complicated situations, please share those too!)