March feels like it's just going to fly by. Everything feels accelerated with Daylight Savings Time and Easter coming earlier than they have the past few years. Or maybe that's just me.
Anyway, I hope your March has been lovely so far. And if you have a few free minutes (or hours) this weekend, here are some links for you:
- The 6 Risks of Reading Old Books by Betsy at Redeemed Reader. Good reminders here. "Old" doesn't always mean "Better" and more than "New" always means "Improved."
- Call No Man Father: The Clear and Obvious Meaning of a Text by Joshua Gibbs at CiRCE Institute. Loved this line: Let us be willing to make a case for our beliefs which transcends a materialist, monolithic and insistent finger-pointing at the Bible, as though if we breathlessly point hard enough our opponents will come around.
- When Your Income is Cut in Half by Kristen at Joyfully Thriving. God provides. But it isn't always logical how that works.
- To Your Daughter, Speak the Truth by Jen Wilkin. As a mom of four daughters, well, I loved this.
- How to Change the World from See Jamie Blog. Encouraging post!
- The Gospel is for Older Brothers Too by Michael Kelley at Forward Progress. This "older brother" appreciated this reminder.
- Early Christian Martyr Stories: Fact, Fiction, or Both? an interview with Bryan Litfin. I've already added this book to my "want to read" list.
- Made me laugh (and sigh): The 8 Worst Kinds of Fictional Romances by Katharine Trendacosta at i09. So many tropes, so little time.
On Living Unabridged:
This week: 52 Family Game Nights: Dutch Blitz
Last month: 101 Science Class Ideas for Homeschool Co-ops
Last year: Kids in the Kitchen: Real Life, Real Learning
What caught your eye this week?
Board of the week:
Follow Karen (Living Unabridged)'s board Celebrating - Spring! on Pinterest.