
31 Authors Children Love: Michael Rosen

Michael Rosen has written several children's books but he made this list on the strength of one work:

I believe I've read We're Going on a Bear Hunt at least once a week since my oldest child was about 1. It never gets old.

(OK, it almost never gets old. I've been known to hide it for a day or two at at time. But they always find it again.)

We own a board book copy (best for little hands). And we also own a hardcover copy (best for really looking at the illustrations).

We own so many books I don't usually allow repeats. But in this case, I make an exception.

Other books:

He edited this edition of Classic Poetry from Candlewick Press.

A Great Big Cuddle: Poems for the Very Young

Aesop's Fables. It's always fun to find a new edition of a classic.

He's still writing, and you can find out more about his work on his website. (See below)

Other sites about Rosen or his works:

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Dover Books
authors children love: michael rosen