I'm not sure I agree with Ronson 100%, but I think the reminder that we're only the star of our own story is a good one.
from Jon Ronson's So You've Been Publicly Shamed.
As someone who overthinks everything, it's helpful to be reminded that the things that seem so significant in my own memory are probably already forgotten by other people who are too busy remembering their own hurts or slights to remember mine.
Recently Finished
My second book by Kate Morton in less than a month. Has her usual suspects: a writer (or want to be writer), a story spanning multiple generations, a decaying but once grand house, and secrets layered on thicker than that pancake makeup 1940's starlets used to wear. The twists are not particularly "twisty" in my opinion, and the actions by some of the main characters (Nell, in particular) don't seem to make sense on their own. They just are because the author needed them to move her story forward.
Recently Added
Nada. I have to take my oldest to the library tomorrow for her volunteer shift, so I hope to pick up some new to me books then. My stack has been depleted. I didn't get to read all of them, but the few that I have left aren't grabbing my attention.
Current Read Aloud
Ella of All-of-a-Kind Family
. This hasn't been our favorite in the series for two reasons: the first is that we don't like the illustrations in the copy we got from the library. The second is that it's focused more on Ella, the oldest daughter, and has fewer of the fun scenes with the younger crew. We still love the series, but we're dragging on this one.
Current Book to Review
I haven't ordered one yet.
Current Kindle Deals
The Miracle of Dunkirk
by Walter Lord. A classic and only $2.51 right now. (Hurry though, because this is a monthly deal and likely to change tomorrow.)
Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions
by Lysa TerKeurst is only $1.99 right now.
This family devotional is only $0.99 right now. We haven't used it, so this is not a recommendation but it might be worth a look at that price.
Sabina Wurmbrand's story is compelling and this Kindle edition is only $1.00 right now.
Linking up with:
Ooh! So much like the talk Brandy posted today: What's love got to do with it? Cultivating Your Child's Affinities
It's crazy to me how much illustrations can make or break a book...but it's totally true!
Thanks for all the Kindle links as well. Looks like lots of good things.