October just seemed to fly by for us. Lots of time with family and lots of other fun going on will do that, I guess.
What we've been up to:
We tried on two different weekends to do our usual Corn Maze / Pumpkin Patch / Farm fall activity but it was rained out both times. Disappointing, but we managed to salvage those Saturday evenings fairly well so all was not lost.
We had a great visit from out of town family and got to meet the youngest cousin. We celebrated my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary with a family dinner. (22 of us in one restaurant dining room!) We had family pictures made (and what an afternoon that was!).
My oldest daughter and I did a card-making activity at our church while the kids went with their dad and granddad to a fall festival at the Creation Museum.
We had a quick visit from my husband's mom to work on some projects for the girls' room. Each girl is going to have a curtain around her bed so even though they all have to share a room, they'll have their own space. So far, one bed is done but we'll be sure to share pictures once it's all finished.
We had our church Harvest Party for kids on Wednesday night. My kiddos were: Super Girl, a fairy, a princess, Madeleine, and a cow. The baby wore a pumpkin hat. Because: Child #6 and I just wasn't feeling it. (And by "it" I mean, buying him a costume, painting his face, and dressing him up.) In the above pic you can also see the cutest Darth Vader ever, another lovely fairy (or butterfly, depending on her mood), and a friend who didn't wear a costume.
What We've Been Watching:
I know some of my friends (in "real" life and via blogs) really liked this one but it fell pretty flat for me. Maybe if I hadn't just watched Ever After: A Cinderella Story
a few weeks ago I would have liked this more.
As it was, I was left thinking, "Why is this remake even necessary?"
And then we have the larger issue, which is Ella's mother telling her to believe. Ella asks her mother what she believes in and the mother's answer: "Everything."
Um, Ok, then. What about the little problem that believing in EVERYTHING is the same thing as believing in nothing?
The mother's last advice for her daughter (and I've seen this showing up on all kinds of printables and t-shirts, etc.): "Have courage and be kind."
Courage to do what? Kind to what or whom and when or why?
I'd like to think I'll give my daughters some more concrete guidance if I know I'm leaving them.
But seeing some of my favorite British - or Australian - actors is not an unpleasant way to spend an hour and other than those major issues I mentioned, I liked the movie. {wink} We watched this one as a family movie night one evening when our corn maze had been rained out. Redbox to the rescue!
Loved it. Highly recommended. Ryan Reynolds is great in an understated role and Helen Mirren is always terrific. Plus lots of familiar faces show up in small roles, which tells me these actors just wanted to be part of a great story. (If you're interested in this topic see also:The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History
, the book, not the movie)
Tried to watch Blackhatbut even my husband was bored by it and we bailed.
Lots of Great British Menu. This is now my favorite cooking show and I'm thankful they do so many episodes in each series.
Otherwise, we were too busy to watch much of anything.
What's Been on the Blog:
- 31 Series from 31 Days to Follow (31 days is almost over, but you could still find some great new-to-you blogs to read)
- Awesome Resource for Moms (about the online Moms Conference earlier in October)
- Picture Books for Fall
- Write Well App for Learning to Write Well
- Will We Be Friends?
- Why and How Homeschool Greek (my favorite post for the month!)
Plus my Words on Wednesdays book posts:
Also, I joined the 21st century and started an Instagram account this month. My phone is not one of those flashy iPhone types, though, so my pictures are not thrilling me or anyone else with their quality, but still. This blog is called Living Unabridged and Instagram is helping me share my #unabridgedlife, so if you're inclined you can find me there. (I still need my incredibly handsome and talented web guy to make me a little instagram button to go with all the others in the top right of my blog design.)
What did you do in October?
An affiliate I'd like to highlight this month:
In honor of the World Series, Maestro Classics is offering the CD of Casey at the Bat for only $5. This is a great deal and a really fun story in music.