Today's quote about the dead made living:
is from the book Death by Living: Life Is Meant to Be Spent
I have my reservations about the Wilson family's views and I didn't always love the writing in this book.
But sometimes N.D. Wilson writes a passage that I find quite moving. Several of these made it into my commonplace book.
What I'm Reading Now:
My stack is in a different location because we had to rearrange our bedroom to make room for a bassinet for the new baby. Something about moving a baby bed into our room really helped the realization sink in for my husband that a baby is coming - SOON. I'm 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant today. The earliest one of our babies came was 38 weeks and 6 days. The latest two were born exactly on their due dates. The other two were between a day and four days early. So, really, he could come any day now. Or maybe he'll be the baby to break the pattern and come late? I can't tell you how much I hope NOT.
Recently Added:
How Dante Can Save Your Life: The Life-Changing Wisdom of History's Greatest Poem
by Rod Dreher. I'm not sure I'll get around to this one before the baby comes, and it's basically the opposite of the light reading I usually manage AFTER a baby comes, but I've seen a lot of talk about this one around the web and I'd love to read it eventually.
Recently Finished:
How to Be a Victorian: A Dawn-to-Dusk Guide to Victorian Life
Thorough and well researched but always readable and never loses sight of the real people who lived these lives. (The last chapter does deal with night life but it isn't salacious or titillating.)
Death by Living: Life Is Meant to Be Spent
I've seen this listed as "Christian Apologetics" but I don't think that describes it well at all. I'd probably list it as a memoir, but it does defy simple categorization. Like I said above, this one wasn't a home run for me, but I did appreciate parts of it.
Current Read Aloud:
All-of-a-Kind Family Downtown
. We are all enjoying working through this series. We've already ordered the next book from our library, just to be prepared.
Current Book to Review:
I don't have any books I have to review. I've decided to wait until after the baby comes because I'm afraid I just wouldn't be able to finish them quickly (or at all!).
What are you reading? Seen any amazing Kindle deals? Do share in the comments.
Linking up with:
All the best with the coming arrival!
Thank you! Hoping to share news any day now.
This is another book I'd like to read. That quote is fantastic. Thanks.