- Why Smart, Creative People Underestimate Themselves and How to Quit by Allison Vesterfelt.
- Choosing and Organizing My TBR Piles by Mystie at Simply Convivial.
- A Letter to "Homeschooling" Moms of Preschoolers by Tressa at her blog Tressays.
- What Makes a Good Homeschool Notebooking Page (with Free Printables) by Sherry Hayes at Free Homeschool Deals.
- On Rejection and Renewal: A Note to Aspiring Novelists by Warren Adler at Writer UnBoxed.
- The Story is in the Details by Rachel Hauck for Novel Rocket.
- The Magic of Free Writing by The Magic Violinist at The Write Practice.
- Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Reviews by Deborah Raney at Novel Rocket.
- The Harry Potter Generation by D.C. McAllister for The Federalist.
- The Shaping of a Soul Requires Our Building of Our Virtue as a Life Habit by Sally Clarkson.
- A Matthew 5 Kind of People by Amy at Playing Sublimely.
- One of the Main Ways that the Earliest Christians Distinguished Themselves from the Surrounding Culture from Canon Fodder. (H/T Brandy)
- How I Got "Dead Poets Society" Wrong by Jeffery Overstreet for CT.
- This is the Worst Thing Ever and We're All Going to Die by David Harsanyi for The Federalist.
- 12 Websites to Help You Discover New Music by Johnny Weber for Daily Zen List.
- Reports of Adulthood's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated by David Marcus for The Federalist.
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