Our weekend has dawned sunny and lovely. I don't have to much on my "must do" list, but I have plenty on my "want to do" list, so let's get on with the linkage.
- 5 Books Every Naturalist Should Own from The Heart of Michelle. Nature study is one of those things I'm always trying not to brush aside in our homeschool.
- 50 Alternatives to Sitting Quietly During Read Aloud Time from Walking by the Way. Sometimes it's nice to know I'm not the only one raising children who couldn't be still even if their lives depended on it. {smile}
- Imagine if all church members took this to heart: Your 7 Job Responsibilities as a Church Member by Jonathan Leeman at TGC. (The flip-side of membership caught my eye too: 5 Reasons You Should - Probably - Leave Your Attractional Church by Jared C. Wilson. His last point is the one that really had me nodding my head in agreement.)
- The Pleasures and the Perils of Online Life by Samuel James also for TGC.
- Why I Gave Into Barbie, Even Before Her Size Change by Laura Goetsch for CT. You can see the new dolls here. I like the changes but we've had Barbies in the house ever since our oldest turned seven. I wouldn't say they're my girls' favorite toys, but they do get them out fairly regularly.
- Q+A: The Story Behind the Jesus Storybook Bible interview with Sally Lloyd-Jones by Bronwyn Lea. This is one of our favorite resources to come out in recent years.
- Is C.S. Lewis's Liar-Lord-or-Lunatic Argument Unsound? by Justin Taylor. Loved this.
- Kid Brothers Were Too Poor to Buy Card Games, So They Made Their Own from Messy Nessy Chic. Ingenuity at work! I love how detailed these cards are.
This week on Living Unabridged:
- Homeschool Reading Lists for Every Interest and Need
- 101 Science Class Ideas for Homeschool C0-ops
- 52 Family Game Nights: Set
One year ago:
Did you know that today would be President Reagan's 105th birthday? Why not celebrate by revisiting some of his speeches? The Last Best Hope: The Greatest Speeches of Ronald Reagan
might be a good choice (it is available for Kindle, but it's not on sale). Or you could always look on Youtube. (That's how I introduced my children to President Reagan. Ah, modern technology!)
What caught your eye this week?
Looking for Valentine's Day inspiration?
Follow Karen (Living Unabridged)'s board Celebrating - Be Mine on Pinterest.