Weekend Web Wandering 2020 Vol. 11
Hello Friends! Despite These Times We Live In, our summer is already in full swing.
Our kids are happy that some of their favorite things will still be happening, one way or another. (Strangely, a place to swim is the one thing we haven't figured out. Their aren't very many pools available to buy and most of our close, local options are not opening. A lot of folks in our neighborhood have pools but we're not on a "come over and swim" basis with most of them.)
So, anyway, while the kids are fairly happy, my husband and I are scrambling to Make it Happen. You know, while still observing common sense safety measures.
And there are still things that have to be planned for the fall that are weighing on us, as I'm sure there are for you.
But, anyway, Summer! At least we get ice cream, popsicles, and watermelon to help us figure things out.
On the Topic of Race Relations
- Do watch Phil Vischer's video on Race in America if you haven't yet.
- Reflections from a Token Black Friend. Another thought provoking read.
- Do you find it ironic that one of the top books recommended recently for dealing with racism was written by a white woman? I find it ironic. Chloe Valdary is a great person to follow on Twitter and she's mentioned several times that DiAngelo's book is not the best place to start. Here's one older thread that Valdary recently brought up again to address why.
- If you're looking for booklists to help you talk about these issues with your kids, Redeemed Reader has one: Books about Racism for Children and Teens.
- This is a long read but it's worth the effort (and, as a reminder, links are not necessarily endorsements of authors, sites, organizations, etc.): The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist's Propaganda Playbook.
- I read this article when it first came out but it has recently resurfaced, due to current events: The Fight to Redefine Racism by Kelefa Sanneh.
- Marco Rubio's speech helped explain a few things: On the Unjust Death of George Floyd and Racism in America.
- I recommend Thomas Chatterton William's book as we try to wrestle through the issue of race in America. He also recently published this article: We Need to Stop Measuring Black Lives By Their Whiteness. Which mostly deals with a well intentioned viral video you've probably seen.
- Thought provoking regarding missions: 4 Ways to Avoid the White Savior Complex in Missions.
- Snakes and Ladders by Alan Jacobs. A post about fear and faithfulness.
- Agreed: Don't Let Your Politics Ruin Your Witness by Casey McCall.
- I suspect this would catch my eye even if we hadn't recently spent hours sorting our massive collection (worth it!): Why Children Need Legos Now more Than Ever by Joshua Gibbs at CiRCE.
- Encouraging: When It Seems Your Life is Going Nowhere by Scott Sauls.
- C.S. Lewis and the Cautionary Tale of Nikabrik by Trevin Wax. (That gives us an article about Tolkien and an article about Lewis. If I could have found a Chesterton article, we'd achieve some sort of trifecta!)
- Would you be able to name the 10 army bases named for Confederate generals? I couldn't. So I found this informative: The 10 U.S. Army Installations Named for Confederates.
- John Oliver's take on the Confederacy and statues controversy from a few years ago is interesting. (language and content warning)
- I knew about Nazis fleeing to South American but I had never heard this: How the Confederados Kept the Confederacy Alive in Brazil by Morgan Dunn at All That's Interesting.
- How Racist Was Flannery O'Connor? by Paul Elie in The New Yorker. I've tried more than once to appreciate O'Connor the way many authors I respect seem to. She just hasn't grown on me as a reader. But that's neither here nor there regarding her legacy.
- Somewhat related to the above: From Mockingbird to Watchman by Makoto Fujimura. I have never had any interest in reading "Watchman." This article is the first thing I've read that might convince me to give it a look.
Terrepin News
Because there two different tortoise stories caught my eye this week. And I cannot resist a good turtle / tortoise story!
- Diego, The Galapagos Tortoise Retires. He deserves it, what with the whole "saving his species" thing.
- Large Non-native Snapping Turtle Captured in Virginia. Lord Fairfax! Hope he enjoyed his stroll.
- Forrest Fenn Confirms His Treasure Has Been Found. This story captured a lot of imaginations over the past decade and it's still causing controversy at its conclusion.
- Oh, how I miss baseball! But this made me smile: Korean Baseball Team Fill Empty Stands with Stuffed Animals.
- A few weeks ago I did not know this was a thing. But now I want one: Japanese Fruit Sandwich Store Explodes in Popularity.
- If you are now craving a fruit sandwich here's a recipe.
From Living Unabridged
Two years ago: Thoughts About Home
Three years ago: Forever Love Songs
Four years ago: Favorite Fictional Fathers
Enjoy this whopping links list! I won't have time to put one together next week so maybe that evens it out. (And I had to do this one twice, thanks to the vagaries of an ill-timed WordPress timeout. Ugh.)
Happy Reading, Friends!