Five Things Friday - Five Books from My Reading Stack
No, I am not reading more than one book at a time (I haven't learned how to make my eyes read two different things at once), but I am reading all of these currently. One just doesn't know what mood one might be in and different books are for different times of day or feelings.
Five books I am currently reading:
1. All Things Bright and Beautiful by James Herriot.
Had to order this one from Thrift Books because somehow I already owned #1, #3, and #4 but not #2. How these things happen is a book collector's mystery.
Anyway, this is a cozy read. (Before you hand these off to your kids, do be aware that he is frank about body parts and such and there is some mild swearing. My teenager enjoys them and we're OK with them reading these but YMMV. There are several Herriot books specifically for kids if you find these inappropriate.)
2. The Holy Grail by Richard Barber
From a box of books given to me by a friend cleaning out a house she bought. (Yes, people just randomly give me books. And it's a good thing.)
This is fascinating reading. And I just read Rosemary Sutcliff's The Sword and the Circle aloud to my daughter a few months ago so Arthurian legends are fairly fresh in my mind right now anyway.
3. Piano by James Barron.
This came to my stack via the library because I ordered a bunch of books for my music history class. This, as it turns out, isn't a book I'm going to use for the class, but I kept it to read myself because a biography for a Steinway is definitely my cup of tea.
4. The Dyslexic Advantage by Brock Eide and Fernette Eide.
My sister passed this one on to me after she finished it because we are both raising Dyslexic kiddos and our strategy whenever we're facing a new situation is to read / learn as much about it as possible. So she bought this, liked it, and now I'm reading it.
5. The Unsearchable Riches of Christ: An Exposition of Ephesians 3 by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Stole this one from my husband's office. I always love Lloyd-Jones and this is a chapter of the Bible I am meditating on currently.
You will notice there aren't any novels mentioned. I guess Herriot's book is filling that spot for me right now. I read fewer books when my stack is so full of non-fiction but it's probably better for me in the long run.