Words on Wednesday - Dependency Not Autonomy
Quote from None Like Him by Jen Wilkin. (See below)
What I'm Reading Currently:
Fiction: Mortal Arts (Lady Darby #2) by Anna Lee Huber. Reading on Kindle, on loan from my library. This series was suggested to me because I've read every other lady sleuth in the 1800s mystery series. (I exaggerate; but only slightly.) But honestly, this is...not great. It's almost a hate read at this point: where I'm reading just to see how bad it gets. I will probably give the series at least one more shot, just to see if the author improves but I'm not holding my breath.
Nonfiction: Powers of Two by Joshua Wolf Shenk. This is FANTASTIC. I am loving every bit.
Bible: I'm almost all the way through the American Standard Version. (I'm in 2 Corinthians and when you're reading the Bible all the way through that's definitely the downhill slope.) This is just enough like the KJV to be kind of off-putting, to me.
Devotional: Originally I planned to say: none. After reading through Paul David Tripp's New Morning Mercies last year I don't have a daily devotional read this year. But I'll count Andrew Peterson's The God of the Garden for this category instead since I usually read it during my morning "quiet" time. This was a gift from my two oldest daughters. And of course I'm loving it, as I do anything Peterson writes, sings, etc. I feel he's a true kindred spirit. (Except for the fact that he loves Wendell Berry and I don't and also, I have a Black Thumb and couldn't grow a garden to save my soul. Fortunately, for me, the saving of souls does not depend on horticulture.)
Theology: None Like Him: 10 Ways God is Different from Us by Jen Wilkin. The above quote come from this book. I've already read the follow-up but found this title at my favorite thrift store and I knew it would be good. And I was right. Highly recommend.
Practical: Nothing right now. But I did read a book about laundry back in January.
Classic: Haven't chosen one to work on this year, yet. Maybe Moby Dick? It keeps coming up in various ways so maybe...
Read Aloud: Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen to my 11 year old daughter at bedtime. Other various things for school time to the kids still elementary grades. (Side note: Miracles on Maple Hill is a great deal on Kindle right now. We're reading a paperback copy but if you don't have one get the Kindle version because it's definitely worth more than two bucks.)
Audiobook: nope. Still haven't gotten this to work for me. At one point in the past I was listening to Wodehouse audio books while driving the kids to various activities but right now I have Sirius XM so I listen to that. (Beatles! Sinatra! Broadway! And more! I love it so much.)
I have several books in my stack that I'm anxious to get to, but need to get a few of these finished first. As always: so many books and so little time!