
Words on Wednesday - The Function of the Educator

I recently finished Island Magic by Elizabeth Goudge (on which, see below) and this quote from one of the characters on the function of an educator definitely jumped out at me:

function of the educator
(Yes, I realize that I used that stock photo not long ago. But it just fit the quote so well, I had to use it again!)

I don't know if Goudge agreed with the character or not, but I think I do. I think it fits my concept of classical education very well indeed.

Recently Finished

As I mentioned above, I recently finished Island Magic by Elizabeth Goudge. Honestly, I didn't love the end as much as the beginning and middle. I feel like Goudge wrote herself into a plot corner and there are rather too many convenient coincidences (for some of the characters, less so for others) to suit me. I've also noticed, now that I've read two of her novels, that she drifts into a type of spiritual mysticism including spirits, or ghosts, on a fairly regular basis. It's not too worrisome to me, but I think I would discuss it with a younger reader. (Just as I would some of L.M. Montgomery's stories.)

So, those two caveats aside, I have to say that I love her writing. Her insight into human nature just rings so very true. Which is why her novels deserve the status of classics.

Recently Added

My husband has slipped a couple of books into my stack but I'm still waiting for some of my much anticipated holds to come in.

Current Read Aloud

We're still enjoying The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit at bedtime. Our morning read alouds are unchanged, although we're almost finished with Ann Turnbull's version of Greek Myths. I highly recommend this edition. So beautifully illustrated and the prose is lovely as well.

Current Book to Review

I'm thinking I'll have to remove this category if I don't order a book soon.

Current Kindle Deals

Sacred Marriage is one the books on marriage that I recommend most often. (You can find others here: Marriage and Family Reading List) It's $1.99 today. I'm not sure how long that deal will last so if you've ever wanted to read it, get it now.
I haven't read Walking from East to West by Ravi Zacharias but it looks interesting and price tag ($1.99) is right.

What are you reading now?

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