
Weekend Web Wandering - January 23, 2016

Yesterday we got to spend the evening with friends. They left a child here to spend the night. So now the kids are outside playing in the snow. (The leftover snow, because the Great Storm of '16 dropped nary a flake on us.) Tonight Philip and I will probably go out to supper. And tomorrow we'll celebrate his birthday with a special Sunday dinner and one of his favorite desserts that I make.

And then Monday our co-op starts back. We are all ready and excited, with homework done and most gear packed into backpacks. (I say we're ready but ask me again Monday morning and you may get a different answer.)

I hope you have a great weekend ahead of you and, just in case you are snowed in, here are some links to peruse.

weekly links round-up



  • When You Feel Like an Island by Katelyn Fagan. This is an older post but I could identify with much of it, even though I'm not a "people person."
  • What If God Says No? by Eddie Kaufholz at Relevant. Compassionate, real advice for when we're afraid God isn't going to answer our prayers the way we hope.
  • The New Morality: Raising Kids in a Confused Culture by Ed Stetzer. I loved this post. I almost wrote a post this week called, "Why We Take Our Children to Church Even if They are the Only Kids There" (I know, the title is way too long winded for good SEO). But it really comes down to: we don't go to church or do family worship or pray before all meals and at bedtime and throughout the day or whatever because other people also do it and it's expected. We do it because we - my husband and I - believe it is right. (And P.S. If you want a headstart on his 4th point, consider homeschooling. Just had to throw that in.)
  • Somewhat related (at least in my mind): Are You Called to a Ministry of Rejection? by Aaron Armstrong. I'm not asking for sympathy here, but let me just ask you to love on your pastor or church staff, if they are preaching truth and serving to God's glory and not their own, in whatever ways you can.
  • YES: There is No Such Thing as a Prosperity Pastor by Steven Jennings at TGC. Calling things what they really are is always the best course.
  • Have You Missed Your Life's Calling? Probably Not by Katie Fox at The Art of Simple. Another encouraging, timely post.


This week on Living Unabridged:

One year ago:

What caught your eye this week?

Are you planning for Valentine's Day yet? Here are some of my favorite recipes, cards, games, and printables:
Follow Karen (Living Unabridged)'s board Celebrating - Be Mine on Pinterest.
Work the Plan Video Training