
Weekend Web Wandering 2020 Vol. 11

Hello Friends! Despite These Times We Live In, our summer is already in full swing.

Our kids are happy that some of their favorite things will still be happening, one way or another. (Strangely, a place to swim is the one thing we haven't figured out. Their aren't very many pools available to buy and most of our close, local options are not opening. A lot of folks in our neighborhood have pools but we're not on a "come over and swim" basis with most of them.)

So, anyway, while the kids are fairly happy, my husband and I are scrambling to Make it Happen. You know, while still observing common sense safety measures.

And there are still things that have to be planned for the fall that are weighing on us, as I'm sure there are for you.

But, anyway, Summer! At least we get ice cream, popsicles, and watermelon to help us figure things out.
weekend web wandering

On the Topic of Race Relations



Terrepin News

Because there two different tortoise stories caught my eye this week. And I cannot resist a good turtle / tortoise story!


From Living Unabridged

Two years ago: Thoughts About Home
Three years ago: Forever Love Songs
Four years ago: Favorite Fictional Fathers

Enjoy this whopping links list! I won't have time to put one together next week so maybe that evens it out. (And I had to do this one twice, thanks to the vagaries of an ill-timed WordPress timeout. Ugh.)

Happy Reading, Friends!