Suggestions for What to Read in April:
Picture Books for April:
The Umbrella Day
by Nancy Evans Cooney. We picked this one up on a whim at a library sale but it has turned out to be a perennial favorite.
by Taro Yashima. If you've ever had a child who just couldn't wait for a rainy day to use her new umbrella and rainboots, you will love this story.
A Rainbow of My Own
by Don Freeman. It's no secret we love Don Freeman, so it's probably not a surprise to see this book on this list. After all, rain can mean rainbows. There are few things in a child's life as magical as rainbows.
Fiction for April:
This is the third book in the series but the title fit my theme so I'm sharing it here:
The Right Attitude to Rain (An Isabel Dalhousie Mystery)
by Alexander McCall Smith.
The Isabel Dalhousie series is probably not as well known as his "Ladies' No. 1 Detective Agency" series but these are thoughtful and thought-provoking glimpses into an (almost) ordinary life. Isabel is a philosopher and her thoughts and how she handles the vagaries of life are usually more interesting than I'm making it sound here.
What If Your Blessings Come Through Raindrops: A 30 Day Devotional
by Laura Story. Love the song Blessings? Then you might enjoy this devotional too.
Nonfiction for April:
The Umbrella Unfurled: Its Remarkable Life and Times
by Nigel Rodgers.
Confession: I haven't actually read this one, I just stumbled across it while looking for something else. But now I want to read it. Because umbrellas are fantastic, of course.
Bonus recommendation:
If your April is unbelievably filled with showers, there's really only one thing to do. And that is, of course, watch Singin' in the Rain
Get the Special Editionso you can watch the special features once you've finished the movie.
There are a few scenes in movie history that are pure joy, no matter how many times you watch them, and Gene Kelly dancing down the street in the rain is probably at the top of my list.
What do you suggest we read in April?
Do you have a favorite book with rain or umbrella in the title? I'd love to read your suggestions.
I love wordless books sometimes and "The Umbrella by Ingrid Schubert is beautiful, but seems to be OOP :(