
Inspiring Math Averse Children with CTC Math

I received access to this product for free and was compensated for my time. Opinions are my own.
Math is not my favorite subject. It wasn't my favorite as a student and it's not my favorite as a homeschool mom. We use Saxon because it's tested, tried, and true. It's not flashy, but it gets the job done.

None of my children love Math. They each have some strengths and weaknesses when it comes to doing Math, but none would call it their favorite subject.

I'm fine with that. Not everyone is going to be a Mathlete. (But of course you do have to know enough Math to survive in the real world, and to pursue a career.)

I've given a lot of thought to helping children who hate Math, not least because I was one myself.

helping math averse childrenHow to help children who "hate Math":

  1. Make winning as frequent as possible.
  2. Use manipulatives.
  3. Keep lessons short.
  4. Don't drill more than necessary. Yes, I believe in memorizing Math facts, but if timed quizzes make your child break out in cold sweat or tears, stop for a while.
  5. Add Math "living books" to your repertoire.
  6. Try to be consistent. Jumping between programs may lead to unnecessary gaps.
  7. Know when to take a break. I know this seems to contradict my above advice, but you are the homeschool mom. It's your job to know when to fight a battle and when to lay weapons down.

Our third daughter finished her level of Saxon earlier this year, but I just didn't feel she was ready for the next level. We'd had some tears and resistance over doing any Math at all.

Which is why CTC Math answered a prayer I didn't even know I had prayed.

TL;DR: CTC Math could help homeschoolers end fights over Math.

ctc math screenCTC Math is for all Stages

CTC Math has complete programs for Kindergarten through Trigonometry and Calculus. All my school age children helped me test this product, but the student who used it most was my formerly Math averse child.

I had her start one level lower than I thought she needed. I wanted her to get some early "wins" so that Math felt less like a burden and more like a highlight of the day.

It worked.

ctc math countingWhat we loved about the CTC Math program:

  • The lessons (or tutorials, as the website refers to them) are short and topics are varied.
  • The lessons are taught by a man with an Australian accent (obviously, if you live in Australia this might be less of a perk, but the novelty helped us!).
  • You can watch a lesson as many times as you need.
  • The lessons are incremental, building on each other.
  • You move at your own pace and you can go back and try again or skip ahead easily.

ctc math awards

  • Awards (different colored ribbons from Bronze to Platinum) are awarded often.
  • The program is entirely on the computer (Yes, this is considered a plus here, where kid computer time is limited).
  • The parent can easily assign tasks and check results.

ctc math summary screen

  • NO GRADING - it's all done for you! (Can I get an AMEN?) I love this. (Parents still have the ability to delete bad results and re-assign lessons.)
  • It's affordable. I don't know if you've noticed, but Math curriculum can be expensive. $118 for an entire family for a year? Yes, please.

ctc math review crewI've had the opportunity to review several homeschool products here on this blog. I try to always give an honest (but generally positive) review. But please know this, because I am saying this with no equivocation: we LOVE this program. It's working.

My formerly Math averse child plowed through the lower grade level work I assigned. Now she's working back at grade level. She's enjoying that and completing multiple short lessons a day.

ctc math kindergartenA few things that might be challenges with CTC Math:

  • At the younger levels (Kindergarten up to probably 2nd grade), the parent may need to assist the child. Honestly, I don't see this as a drawback. A child can watch the lesson alone and you can monitor or assist with inputting answers.
  • Non-metric measurement is not taught (so no feet, inches, etc.)
  • Some definitions are slightly different from US Math curriculum (we only noticed a few, and they did not detract from understanding the lesson).
  • CTC Math is a full curriculum for K-8, but recommended as a supplement for higher grades.

ctc math multiplicationDo you ever wonder if your child's Math knowledge is transferable? What I mean by "transferable": can they solve Math problems that are written differently from their Math curriculum?

In the past I've recommended having children try some problems in a different type of Math workbook (for instance, if you use Saxon, try a Singapore or Horizons Math workbook) to see if their knowledge is transferring from one curriculum to another. CTC Math is an excellent curriculum on its own (for primary grades, see above), but it could also be used to help review or reinforce what your child is learning.

If you've explained a topic or process until you are blue in the face and hating Math yourself (just me?), CTC Math could help explain and demonstrate the problem in an entirely new way. Plus, Patrick Murray never gets tired of teaching the same lesson over and over again. {wink}

If you are a homeschool mom who has worried about teaching Algebra or Geometry, CTC Math might be the answer to your prayers. If you are a homeschool mom raising a kid who "hates Math", CTC Math might be the game-changer you need.
ctc math kids

Ready to give CTC Math a shot?

CTC Math membership (Prices reduced 60% for homeschoolers!)

Not convinced yet? How about a free trial of CTC Math? You have nothing to lose, except maybe some fights and struggles over math time.

CTC Math is also giving away a 12 month subscription to 5 families:

You can also find CTC Math on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Periscope!

ctc math program

What are your best tips for inspiring Math averse children?


  1. […] like having multiple ways of looking at one type of problem. My friend, Karen, from Living Unabridged said something so similar, it’s like we’re the same […]

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